
Sunday, October 25, 2020


 Human beings are the most highly evolved creatures on earth with an outer physical body, holding inside it is the non-physical subtle entity the mind. But at the very core of the physical being at a much deeper level than the mind is the consciousness that enables us to experience our inner self and the outer physical world thru our mind and the sense organs.

The vast majority of we human beings are very little aware of our inner self as we are more focused on the external world of various physical forms. And this we not only do spontaneously all the time but are also habituated to it throughout the waking hours of the day & night. Thus, in this way over the years this gets conditioned in our psyche. Because of this, we perpetually remain unaware of the presence of our inner self deep within. And in this way, everything in the external world which may be things, events , people of ideas  remain the world on which we focus both our physical and mental faculties. But why is it so ?. Have we ever attempted to arrest this externally focused mind to plunge deeper inside into our  inner self and asked themselves the most basic existential questions pertaining to our identity like, “WHO AM I ”, “WHAT AM I ”, “WHERE HAVE I COME FROM ” and “ WHERE WOULD I GO AFTER DEATH ” .To most of us these  questions presumably must never have struck in our mind. Because we  people are drowned and are content with materialistic comfort and  affluence since they provide all the physical  and material comfort. The above-stated questions would come to the mind of only very few people with a contemplative and meditative nature of mind. Fundamental question that arises now is why that is so?. The one stated above is not the only reason, because the physical  world of names and forms appear to us more real than anything else. We common man fail to realise the subtle being that dwells inside us, due to our  distraction towards the illusory, ever changing, impermanent external world.From this false realisation about which we remain ignorant  comes the conclusion that the physical world is the only reality. And this is the reason why we dwell and are conditioned to the physical world.


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