This is a
sequel to my earlier article on positive psychology. Here I would like to
elaborate upon the three aspects, pleasure, engagement and meaning which
constitute lasting happiness. This was stated by Martin Seligman the American
psychologist , I would sequentially be starting with pleasure, thru engagement
and ultimately to meaning. Pleasure has an emotional aspect attached to it, a
thought of a sense of feel-good linked to the positive emotion. Pleasure can be
further categorized into passive
pleasure, and active pleasure.
Passive pleasure is one that a person
enjoys without participating in the source that brings the pleasure. These are
like sitting and watching the television, or cinema, enjoying good food or
music or reading a good book or any other means of gratification of one's
needs. In this form of pleasure, there is very little or no application of
mental faculties, but the person only derives a sense of feel-good which is
purely temporary from very short period like enjoying good food, to maybe a few
hours like watching television or cinema or listening to music. On the other
hand, active pleasure is one in which the person mentally participates in the
act of doing it which is the source. Ṭhis could be like playing a musical
instrument, writing book, directing a play or cinema or preparation of
different cuisines etc. In each of these activities, the person enjoys it by
participating in it’s creation . And this may even have a close implication in the
person’s vocation itself too , or purely
active pleasure without making any earning out of it.
Engagement is the next level source
that brings a greater degree and longer lasting happiness as compared to
pleasure .
When a person loves to do what he is
doing because he is able to deploy his mental faculties to the best of his
abilities and strength , this gives the person a higher degree of happiness
than pleasure alone because in this activity his inherent strengths get further
reinforced . And so brings to him a
sense of personal achievement thereby elevating his level of esteem and can
also lead to advancement in his career.
Thus pleasure plus engagement brings
greater happiness than only pleasure. This also has a limitation and after a
certain length of time when he has had high level of achievement with the use
of his strongest abilities and there is nothing else beyond that for him at
that stage . Till now, his all happiness has been related to himself i.e.
personal goals ; his loved ones or people
closely related to his loved ones and up to the level of his social circle at
the most.
Adding meaning is that last milestone
which brings the long-lasting happiness which a person may cherish for. Because,
when a person is looking for meaning in life he voluntarily looks for everything
which is beyond his self , as he thinks that working for good of the society or humanity at large is much
higher and hence a noble purpose in life
. This stage is also called the " SELF ACTUALISATION " as stated by
Abraham Maslow in his " Hierarchy of Needs " which is the highest
among the different stages of human needs .As per him, very few people reach up
to this stage. And this is the highest level in man's quest for needs that he
can contemplate in life.
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