
Wednesday, August 31, 2022


                                       EVERYTHING IS TEMPORARY IN HUMAN AFFAIRS




         -        SOCRATES.

          To look at the positive or negative side of any difficult situation in life is exclusively a matter of individual choice. But a person who realises the fact what has been stated in the above quote would perhaps not find it more difficult to hold his mental state in an adverse situation. The choice that the person makes depends on his perception and understanding of the situation. And the type of choice that a person makes is based on his outlook on life. This again varies from person to person and so are his /her response and reaction to the given situation. The factors that impact the type of choice that a person makes is based fundamentally on the nature and quality of his thoughts. The attributes or aspects of the THOUGHTS that dictate his understanding of a situation are as under.

1.    Imaginations.

2.    Perceptions.

3.    Beliefs.

4.    Analysis of a situation.

5.    Judgement of the situation.

 Now let us go into details of how the above aspects of thought are interrelated that lead to the ultimate reaction in the given situation. The reaction chain of a normal person in the face of an adverse situation begins with his /her imagination immediately of the negative side of it. And it happens quite spontaneously without an understanding of the situation and hence is bound to be wrong. However, an emotionally balanced person knowing and realizing the temporal nature of any event good or bad would not straightway imagine similarly but mentally explore to find a positive side to it, by making a conscious choice. Imagination leads to the formation of a perception which in turn develops into a belief as a consequence. Now, a person with a negative outlook or an emotionally sensitive person would not be in the mental state to go deeper into analyzing and looking towards finding a way out of it because his emotional, mental and physical state prevents him. This is in contrast to a positive-minded person, who with his analysis-based understanding of the situation would not lose hope and consider it a hopeless situation. As the saying goes “All dark clouds have a silver lining”. He would instead with his positivity go forth towards finding a positive side to the whole situation The judgment that a wise person makes after his analysis of the situation would dictate his reaction, who knows that the storm of bad times will pass away like a passing cloud. And so holding on with patience and perseverance is the only way to overcome it. Whereas the emotional person with a negative outlook is mentally fragile thru his negative imagination and perception forms a belief in the negative direction and would react with an emotional outburst instead of analyzing the situation and judging his own mental response before making a proper reaction.

Below is the link to a video clip that depicts the story of a physically disabled king who is depicted by a painter in such a way that his physical disability is not visible in the painting. That is why the king rewards the painter's ingenuity by only depicting his positive side and hiding his physical disability.

YOU WILL NEVER THINK NEGATIVELY after watching this motivational story


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