
Tuesday, October 26, 2021


 These are the three human attributes that play a big role and contributes to whatever a person achieves in life. Before going into further details on this subject let me state the reason for it. The reason for this is because these are the factors that are under human control. And these are directly related and proportional to each other, i.e. with a positive outlook and the right attitude in the given situation (good or bad) the person would have the motivation to move forward with his efforts till the desired results are achieved. First of all, let me define an attitude, well “It is the outer manifestation of a person’s mental state in the face of any situation (good or bad) and how he responds to it”. And this always precedes the efforts. So the point here is, in the first place how to develop the right attitude. In a happy or desirable or expected situation, the motivation for putting effort develops spontaneously, which is not the case in an adverse situation. In such a situation there is an initial mental block or resistance which has to be overcome. Well, another factor that precedes the formation of attitude is the nature of outlook that a person beholds, which is related to the formation of the attitude. There could be four categories of outlook which varies from person to person that impacts the formation of his attitude. They are as follows.

1.    A person who has a  negative outlook in any type of situation good or bad.
2.    A person who sees both the positive and the negative side but chooses to view it from a  
      negative perspective.
3     Does not have the ability to assess a situation and form an outlook as to what is to be done in the 
     given situation
4. A person who assesses both the positive and the negative side of a situation consciously ignores the negative and develops a positive outlook.


 Now let me address each of the above concerning attitudes in both positive and negative situations that a person faces in life.

1.      A negative outlook in any type of situation good or bad.

Such a person will have a negative approach to any type of situation, failing to see to the positive side because of his negative attitude which comes from his outlook. And hence he cannot handle the situation because his negative mindset prevents the application of his thought process to tackle it. Thus misses the opportunity to handle even when in a good situation.

 2.      A person who sees both the positive and negative side but chooses to view it from a negative perspective.

This category of person would see both sides of the situation. But he carries a premonition that his invested efforts (maybe even money) may fail to achieve the desired end results. And his this thinking overrules his positive thoughts and dictates the probable negative outcome of the event thereby preventing his developing the right attitude and putting in efforts.

 3.      Does not have the ability to develop  an outlook  

Such a person cannot assess a situation and develop any outlook. These are indecisive people. And such people remain complacent in the given situation preferring to remain in the status quo. And so does not achieve anything in life


4. A person who chooses to develop a positive outlook whatever may be the  


   Such a person views any type of situation from a positive outlook with consciously ignoring the negative side of it. This is because he is pre-dominantly a person with a positive outlook or bent of mind. And so he has all the spirit to invest in the efforts which may incur expenditure of time, energy and maybe even money if necessary. Such a person can be an achiever having surmounted all obstacles that had come his way throughout his life.




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