
Monday, October 28, 2019


There are broadly three types of actions which we will discuss in this article. One is the action that is preceded by a thought process with the intent of achieving the expected outcome for a positive or maybe a negative purpose of harming somebody. Another type of action is the spontaneous action, a mental trigger which comes from the reflex without any thought preceding the event. This type of spontaneous action mostly ( if not always ) mostly a person takes in a life-threatening situation. And this type of situation generates a response also called the “FLIGHT or FIGHT ” response. In such a situation the person chooses either to leave everything and flee the place or he chooses to face and fight it to the finish. Another type of action is the one he is compelled to take in a totally new and different type of situation with no previous experience of similar such situation. In this situation the person has no knowledge of the probable outcomes and where it would lead him to. So he has to deploy a subjective judgement and try to anticipate the probable outcomes. Here, a person with diverse repertoire of past experience (though may not be similar to the ensuing one) enhances the probabilities of his actions to be in the right direction . The man by nature is inherently averse to facing any adverse situation. But as the saying goes “Sweet are the uses of adversity ugly and venomous like a toad, bears a precious jewel in the head ( in Shakespeare’s play  ‘AS YOU LIKE IT ’). This is very much true because adversity teaches a person to find new ways of overcoming the apparent impasse. And hence adversity is a boon in disguise which most people fail to realize. By overcoming a difficult situation the person enhances his mental strength.
And lastly, I would say every person needs to intensely observe  every action and how it has impacted the final outcome. By following this practice he can know the purpose and clarity of this action which he have taken , before coming to know the outcome.This would always lead him to develop the quality of righteousness thereby preventing from venturing into a wrong path.


Sruba said...

Very nicely written

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