The mind is defined in Buddhism as a non-physical phenomenon that perceives, thinks, recognizes, experiences and reacts to the environment. And all these phenomena can be
designated as an aspect called thought. Mind fundamentally are of two types the conceptual and the non-conceptual mind or we may also say it as the rational and intuitive mind respectively.
Understanding the functioning of the mind
is the basis of Buddhist philosophy. And as Buddha states " All things are preceded by the mind, led by the mind and created by the mind ".
The conceptual or the rational mind is what everybody
of us is maintaining in all our activities of everyday life which are connected to the external
or the visible physical world most of the time. The intuitive
mind is that what we get into and access only during introspection or at the time of meditation when we focus upon our inner self and experience the inner blissful
joy that is present at the innermost
core of our being. But most of us never access it due to our lack of focus on the inner self since we are always connected, attached
and distracted by the external world that constitutes the attributes that are designated as things, events people and ideas. And it is the ego of man that drives him in each of these aspects.
The negative role that ego plays is, it connects
our mind as stated above to the
illusory manifestation of nature in those four attributes and everything in the external
world. In this way, the ego drives the mind away from the focus of the inner self or most appropriately the consciousness which is the ultimate reality, the very core of our being as we exist but never realize this fact. Thus, it is this ego that makes it the most difficult for a man to control his mind. In the Pali scriptures of Buddhism heart and mind are one (Chitta)
, but in English, we have to differentiate
between the two to make the meaning clear.
To illustrate the Buddhist approach
to the mind, let us compare our body and mind to a computer. In this simile, the body is the hardware and the mind is the software. As mentioned above the mind is defined
as a non-physical phenomenon with those
stated attributes which are not unlike the
computer. Although software needs to be registered in something like the hard drive before it can do anything, in itself a program represents a lot of thinking by the software manufacturer Without the software (mind), the hardware (body) is just a dead thing The hardware (body) is of course important in what the computer can do; how fast it is, which programs can be run and how the computer can interact with the world. However good the hardware is, it is ultimately only the program that can be run is that makes it all the more significant. And that is the reason why the mind occupies a very important position. The software ( mind) needs to use the senses of the hardware, like the keyboard , the mouse , a video camera , a modem etc to receive the input of the outside world . And therefore maintaining the software in the proper condition in absolutely necessary i.e. keeping the mind in the right state is key to the quality of life for optimum level of performance in every field of activity