
Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Perception is a sensation of the mind that normally comes from fundamentally either of the two sources. These are from the external physical world or inner self. Irrespective of the source, emotion is an aspect that is invariably attached to perception.  This is attached on one hand to the outcome of an event or observation that is stimulated by one of the above-stated sources. And on the other hand, it is attached to a sense organ from where the stimulus originates. Hence, a sense organ is attached to the mind which generates the perception. This human mental faculty of perception is a very subjective parameter as such, but it acts as a major factor that governs the mood or mental state of that person. The external manifestation of the perception could be either a sensation of pleasure and happiness or that of pain and sorrow. For a similar event, different persons would have a different degree of perception based on the person’s assessment and the relation of that event as to how and to what extent it affects him. The person reacts to that external or internal event that directly affects him physically or mentally.
Human perception of the external world does not directly affect him physically. He observes nature to study it for himself for finding his relationship with nature. But human perception based on his observation of the physical world is erroneous. Simple daily life experience will prove this fact. Everybody knows that science has objectively proved that earth is round (bulged at the equator and slightly flattened at the poles ), but in daily life observation, we human beings always perceive it as flat surface since physically what we see with our naked eyes, it is flat. The matter does not end here. The erroneous human perception of the external world has been irrevocably proved by the advent of modern science from the beginning of the 20th century. The pathbreaking of all the scientific discoveries have been  Einstein’s Relativity Theory and the Quantum Theory put forth in the pioneering works by Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr, Werner Heisenberg and Erwin Schrodinger in particular. In these discoveries, there has been a paradigm-shifting concept by moving from Newtonian classical mechanistic physical world view to quantum mechanical view. This has revolutionized modern science and evolved a new subject called quantum mechanics.  Also what we perceive of the external world is at most a tiny sliver of the reality of nature. We know the visible spectrum is only a small band of the entire spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. Well, returning to the subject of human perception we now shift our focus to another aspect of mental faculty that is associated with perception and that is belief. Perception is the precursor to belief. As stated above perception first develops from some external or internal source and this culminates into belief. But "Belief should be based on reason and supported by argument " this was said by one of the greatest philosophers of the 20th century Bertrand Russell. And the above stated pathbreaking shift to modern physics that has taken place has happened, is rigorously verified in the way Russell has stated. In every sphere of human activity belief is an aspect that plays a major role that precedes a decision that the person takes. Belief, whether it is positive or negative, comes from the perception that a person develops with a particular end-objective in mind. However, in the present context, we would refer only positive beliefs because it is only such beliefs that trigger a healthy emotion which is necessary for a happy and healthy life. Outside the domain of science, belief moulds the values of a person that he maintains. And these help him to hold on to his moorings or the mental foundation i.e. the psyche, in the event of an adverse external circumstance. It is in such a situation that the strength in his belief helps him to sustain physically and mentally. And for such a person this meaningful belief which he beholds reflects the strength of his character. But there is also another side of belief which is not based on reason and supported by argument as advocated by Bertrand Russell and that is religion. This aspect of human activity is based on faith that a person develops following the convention and tradition of his community. And lastly, there is also another facet of belief which a rational person develops about his self which is based on self-assessment of his capabilities and limitations. Thus we see that there is no major aspect of human activity or assessment whether it is science or religion or tradition or human potential, where a human being doesn’t take recourse to belief.

Friday, November 15, 2019


The needs of man spring from the motivation to attain it for meeting his specific requirements such as physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, esteem needs and lastly self-actualization. The theory of motivation was first put forth by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow. He formulated the needs-based framework on human motivation from his clinical experiences with the people. He put forth in his book “ Motivation and Personality” in 1954 the elaborated form of his motivational theory which is popularly known as the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

1)   Physiological needs 
These needs include the following which are the most fundamental necessity for sustaining life.
  • Air 
  • Water.
  • Food.
  • Sleep.

Fundamental needs are the first needs the man seeks to satisfy.And only then he is motivated to go for and recognizes higher needs like social or esteem needs.

2)Safety needs This is the need that man is motivated to seek which is directed to safety and security to feel free from physical and emotional threats. Such needs could be fulfilled by the following.
  • Living in a safe area in a house.
  • Job security.
  • Financial reserves.
  • Medical insurance.

 According to the Maslow’s hierarchy, if a person feels threatened physically then the other needs above the hierarchy will not be recognized by him .

3)   Social needs 
These include love and belonging needs. Once the lower-level ones like the physiological and safety needs are met , man is awakened to the next higher level which is the social need.This is the first category among  higher-level needs. Social needs are those which are related to  relationship with others and includes the following.
  • Friendship.
  • Belonging to a group.
  • Giving and receiving love.

4)   Esteem needs 
   A person feels that he “ Belongs “, then the urge to attain a degree of               importance  emerges. Esteem needs can be categorized as external motivators and internal motivators.

  • Internal Motivational factors that  include the esteem needs  such as self-esteem, accomplishments and self-respect.

  • External motivational factors include those of reputation and recognition.

  • Examples of esteem needs include th following 

      A) Recognition (external motivator )
      B) Attention (external motivator ) 
      C) Social status (external motivator ) 
      D) Accomplishment (internal motivator ) 
      E) Self respect (internal motivator ) 

5)  Self Actualization 
Self-actualization is at the topmost level of Maslow’s hierarchy pyramid and thus is the summit of the motivation theory.It is about the quest for reaching one’s full potential as a person.Unlike the other down the level needs, this need is never satisfied because,  as a person grows psychologically he discovers new opportunities for continuing to grow. Self-actualized persons are more inclined to have motivation for the following .
  • Truth 
  • Justice 
  • Wisdom 
  • Meaning.

Self-actualized persons have time to time peak experiences which are energized moments of profound happiness and harmony. According to Maslow only a very small percentage of the population reaches the level of self-actualization .

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Human beings are the highest form of living creature on earth. Mental attributes like memory, intelligence, emotion, perceptions and social behaviour, similar to human beings have also been observed in many animals. Also the physiological needs of animals are similar to that of human beings. But in respect to human beings there is a big difference and that is  their ability to imagine and mentally create visual imagery of what he is imagining. Mentally they can go back or ahead of their time. This unique ability of man to imagine, categorises the human beings as the most highly evolved creatures on earth. It is with this ability man is able to penetrate into the depth of nature in the physical world and also to the depths of their inner self for self-exploration which is the spiritual self. With this phenomenal ability, he has been able to discover phenomenon in the distant galaxies to elucidating the structure of our genetic material DNA. The former being the macro cosmos and the latter being the microcosmos which constitutes the ultimate elements of life.In this process he is thus attempting to find a relation and place of man with respect to the universe. These all are with the fundamental intent of trying to find the origin of the universe at the macrocosmic level and origin of life at the microcosmos level.  In all these and the continuing contribution, man has reflected his enormous capability through his power of imagining things that are beyond the visible physical world. However, this mental faculty of man is not only applicable to scientists but also to writers, poets, artists, performing artists and fine arts too. Though their imagination faculty does not add anything to the material physical world , they enormously enrich the social, cultural, moral and spiritual traditions which are equally important for enhancing the human values that are essential aspects for sustenance of a civilized society.
And that is why one of the greatest genius of all time  Albert Einstein had very rightly said “ IMAGINATION IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN KNOWLEDGE ”. On a little introspection anybody can understand the import of these words. What he has meant by these words is that thru imagination one gains access to knowledge. As the basis of everything that has been discovered and those yet to be discovered, what all has been created or yet to be created, everything springs from this human ability to imagine. Thus knowledge whether pertains to the physical world or that of the non-physical i.e. subtle world, everything comes from imagination. And that is the reason why people need to cultivate this habit of imaging things beyond the existing available information on any particular stream of human activity. This only can lead to creativity in any stream of human endeavour.

Saturday, November 2, 2019


It is learning which can lead to growth and personal development. But as we all know learning implies change which may come from a pleasant or unpleasant situation. The nature of change accordingly generates a favourable or unfavourable response in the person. A favourable change always generates a positive mental response and the person adapts to it spontaneously. But in an unfavourable or crisis situation mind always generates an unfavourable response due to which he is not able to develop adaptability easily. A considerable mental effort has to be put in before it can happen and that does take time. In the case of a  mentally resilient person, the conditioning to this unpleasant situation happens easily due to his proactive approach and so without much inner resistance.
 Now looking at the other side of it, after having faced the difficult situation he finds that it has brought forth a sense of personal growth by the enhancement of his mental strength to face future adverse situations. Thus we see that experience of growth comes from the perception of having overcome the situation with fortitude. And this has happened thru this learning of a way to overcome the difficult situation. The sustainability of this personal growth will be reflected in how he faces and responds to the future such events of a difficult situation. These are some of what I have realized from my personal experience after passing thru many adverse situations. Bearing a difficult situation with fortitude enhances mental strength. And so in future, we can see that facing it will no longer be so  difficult  as it had been in the earlier instance which had been the first time.